So long, Paywall…

Tracey Smith
2 min readApr 30, 2023

Why I Will No Longer Be Metering My Stories

Photo by Henry & Co. on Unsplash

I went into my Medium account today and “un-metered” the majority of my stories. Why, you ask? Because my heart was never into the whole partner program anyway…I write to express myself and share it with anyone who cares to read.

I’m not trying to make a living as a writer. While the partner program may work for many, for me, I work full-time and attend graduate school, and there’s simply no time right now to write the volume and type of stories needed to make money via the partner program. Maybe in the future, I will, but for now, I’m happy posting my stories for anyone who cares to read, regardless of whether they pay for Medium membership or not.

I do still have some stories that are metered, as I have not had time to edit them all. I plan to slowly sort through them and make the decision on a case-by-case basis. For now, I’ll post my stories for free when I have time and allow anyone who cares to read them to do so.

Thank you for reading…consider yourself privileged that you know how to do so when so many in this world are denied that privilege.



Tracey Smith

Educator, ed tech geek, avid reader, lifelong learner, aspiring writer, wife, biker chick (not necessarily in that order).